北京 >> 朝阳区 >> 曹建伟, 男, 41
紧急成度: 中 拘留时间: 2002年11月
迫害情况: 北京朝阳区(已释放)
个人近况: 已释
报告人 : Jennifer Zeng 报告人职业: 澳州难民申请者 亲友关系: 夫 立案日期: 2003-07-06
案例描述 折叠显示
Cao Jianwei, male, 40 years old. The police raided the couple's home in Beijing on October 25, took away the computer and arrested Mr Cao. On October 21, Mrs Zeng was one of seven plaintiffs from six countries who filed a lawsuit with the United Nations committees on torture and human rights, timed to coincide with Jiang's visit to the US. Mrs Zeng's nine-year-old daughter had been staying with elderly grandparents since then. The couple's friends in Beijing had been unable to locate Mr Cao, a former manager of a Beijing University education investment company. Mrs Zeng heard of her husband's arrest through her parents-in-law.
The cases has been reported on: http://www.falunau.org/indexArticle.jsp?itemID=104 http://www.falunau.org/indexArticle.jsp?itemID=105 http://www.falunau.org/indexArticle.jsp?itemID=107 Manningham Leader (Australia): UN action on persecution charge http://www.falunau.org/reports/unactionmanningham18-12-02.asp or http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/12/21/29926.html [Moreland Community News; Australia] Prime Minister called on to lend hand http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/12/18/29873.html [AFP] Falun Gong [practitioner] says husband taken hostage by China http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/11/2/28372.html Husband Disappears in China after Wife Files Lawsuit with UN against Jiang Zemin (photo) http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/11/1/28325.html [Letter by Secretary of International Society for Human Rights, ISHR]Australia appealed for her to Alexander Downer, Minister of Foreign Affairs on 4 November 2002: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/11/17/28806.html [Media Report: Sydney Morning Herald] Cute toy rabbits belie ordeal of Chinese labour camps http://www.smh.com.au/news/0112/28/national/national19.html or http://www.falunau.org/reports/smhjennifer.asp 朝阳区联系资料(区号: 10)2024-06-27: 北京市朝阳区法轮功学员李瑞玲被迫害的补充信息
北京市朝阳区法轮功学员李瑞玲被构陷到顺义区法院信息补充: 北京市顺义区法院刑庭: 责任法官:杜学禄1989-09-08 男 电话:18500939130 党员 家住:北京顺义赵全营镇赵全营村砖厂路11号 刑庭其他人员: 庭长:宋素娟 党员 女 010-69434077 副庭长 白玉龙 党员 男 010-69434165 王芳 女 18500939552 刘景帆 女 15091848139 张伊 女 13811762636 朱进博文 男 18500939050 贾秋生 男 18618218333 李贞 男 13126761981 赵仁洋 男 010-69434153 朱郡臣 1991-07-11 男 17310729136 李杭 1991-11-23 女 17611751699 王天娇 1991-08-07 女 18811002723 李晓丽 1984-10-21 女 01069434078 冯靖雯 1988-02-05 女 18500939576 傅一鸣 1997-10-16 男 18801202281 2024-03-04: 给由羽璇打电话要求退票的女警察手机号:13061360066 青岛市大港路派出所电话:0532-66575750 兴隆路街道办事处电话:0532-83791899 青岛市大港路派出所相关工作人员区号:019532,024569,113768,158014 2023-12-14: 片警刘春秀,电话13911832774 2023-12-04: 参与迫害单位、人员: 北京市顺义区府前东街1号 顺义区法院 邮编:101300 顺义法院院长:王晓艳 副院长:陈淑莉 郭立军 贾秋生 付全立 政治部主任:李兴国 审判委员会名单:胡国东 单晓云 雒东明 刘宏艳 冯志明 王亚平 朱建娜 办公室:010—69444921 电话 010-69444921、010-69434111 ... 更多 |