山东 >> 济南 槐荫区 >> 刘屏, 女
紧急成度: 中 家庭地址: 山东济南 个人近况: 已释 报告人 : 纽约张霜颖 亲友关系: 弟妹 立案日期: 2005-07-16 案例描述 折叠显示
2009-02-08: 勞教期滿﹐已釋放。
2005-08-12: Urgent! Please rescue my sister-in-law Ping Liu, by Shuangying Zhang, NYC, featherzh@myway.com Liu, Ping is my sister-in-law, she is the mother of one little boy and had been married to my younger brother for over four years, but I never met her. Since the persecution of Falun Gong in1999, I've never had a chance to go back to my family back in Mainland China. After July 22, 1999, my whole family in China turned into the falling leave in the thunderstorm, never knew what will happened the next day. My parents, both over 60 years old, were put in prison for over 3 years, just because they believe in “truthfulness, compassion and forbearance”. Even though they were released last year, they are still deprived of many rights, including the right to apply for a passport to visit me - their only daughter they haven't seen for over 10 years. Liu, Ping is a warm-hearted young girl, she came to my brother's life when my parents were still in jail, and together with her son she welcome my parents back home after three long years. The most unbearable thing is that history does return. On July 13, Liu, Ping chatted with somebody she met on the street, talked about her own thinking and her own experiences with Falun Gong, the next day, while waiting for my brother on the same spot, she was kidnapped by the local police, and are treated as a criminal while at that time she is doing nothing at all. They ransacked her home, trying very hard to fabricate more “evidence” to sentence her only because she will not give up practice Falun Gong.. Today, almost one month later, we still have no news from her at all. Her 3-year-old son can't understand what serious “crime” his mom can do, our parents can't understand how many killing and persecution can wake up those cold heart, there is nothing wrong to believe in “truthfulness, compassion and forbearance”, that is the only way to go back to a human being's origin. I want to appeal to people all over the world to rescue Falun Gong practitioners, to stop the cruel killing, and to let every person in any corner of the world have the right to choose his or her own believes. Falun Dafa is good, no matter how long she will be kept in that dark hell where she never belongs to. So please help to rescue her. 2005-08-10: 大法弟子刘屏被济南槐荫区恶人非法劳教 大法弟子刘屏在被济南市槐荫区张庄派出所恶警绑架后,正念正行,使邪恶的洗脑阴谋一直不能得逞。在看守所的日子里,她被恶人称为“顽固分子”,他们不明白:这娇弱的女孩怎么宁肯吃这么大的苦也要坚持修炼呢?有的参与迫害的警察也因刘屏的善心所感动:“这孩子真好,要是生在外国就好了,自己的信仰谁能管呢,真可惜,她生在中国。”听说在派出所里她仍然温和的劝说着那些警察要与人为善,要为自己的未来着想。 然而,济南市槐荫区张庄派出所迫害法轮功的人却编织罪名,将刘屏非法劳教一年,现她已被送到浆水泉劳教所一大队,恶人为加重迫害,一直不准其会见亲人,以期达到他们高压洗脑的罪恶目地。 http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2005/8/10/108094.html 2005-08-02: 我在海的这一边呼唤你——请伸出援手,帮助营救刘屏 http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2005/8/2/107550.html 2005-07-30: 南大法弟子刘屏遭绑架一事,已于7月16日明慧网详细报道,情况紧急。 http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2005/7/30/107296.html 2005-07-20: 明慧网7月16日报道了济南大法弟子刘屏因讲真象被张庄派出所绑架一事。张庄派出所与它的上级领导单位槐荫公安分局(济南市槐荫区张庄路188号)为邻。自从2000年春天槐荫公安分局搬到此地后,张庄派出所在槐荫分局的直接操纵下,非法抓捕了许多大法弟子。据推测,举报刘屏的军人单位应是空军驻地。 http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2005/7/20/106550.html 2005-07-16: 我叫张霜颖,是纽约法轮大法弟子,来自山东济南。2005年7月14日,我的弟妹刘屏因讲真象,在济南遭绑架关押到看守所,现在当地恶警欲加以迫害。 我的父母由于修炼法轮功,2001年1月1日在济南街头被绑架,历经三年多牢狱,于去年堂堂正正回到家里。刘屏在这期间与我弟弟相识相知,结成一个幸福的家庭,现在孩子刚刚三岁。刘屏在与大法弟子的接触中,她单纯的心受到震动,逐渐认识到大法的美好,然后她就义无反顾的投入到证实大法的洪流中,走到哪儿把大法真象带到哪儿。 7月13日她开车出去办事,在一个单位门口讲真象时被一名军人记写了她的车号,14日上午,她又去那地方,警车就将刘屏绑架,并搜车,搜出几本大法书、几个真象不干胶贴。刘屏当即被强行带到所在地张庄派出所。 下午派出所所长梁××亲自带人抄家,抄出99张大法真象卡片。家属到派出所看望,恶警不让接见。指导员张长军并带领十数名民警言语威胁刘屏的家人,蛮横推搡,并咆哮说,只要××党在一天,就如何如何。派出所声称上面有令,现在抓住一个,即严判。并已在积极准备所谓材料上报,欲加迫害。 现得知刘屏已经被送到济南看守所。 http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2005/7/16/106287.html 刘屏的劳动教养决定书 http://www.globalrescue.net/rescue/article_images/2005-8-12ShuangyingZhang3.jpg 济南 槐荫区联系资料(区号: 531)2022-06-08:山东省济南市槐荫区匡山办事处
老屯村委会村干部张家庆,手机:15065310828 老屯村委会邪党书记刘治国,手机:13608922999 匡山办事处政法科刘某某,手机:15063333533 济南市槐荫区匡山派出所所长,李贵刚电话:0531-58664162 2017-09-01: 济南槐荫区公安国保大队及电话 滕伟 大队长 17853181788 13361092666 于淑美 政委 17853187089 13505316922 刘福江 副大队长 17853181097 13688626597 张卫家 一中队队长 17853181100 13188889200 王学财 副中队长 17853181080 13361060186 戚建成 主任科员 17853181113 任建勋 副主任科员 17853181086 宁宝林 科员 17853181108 王培广 科员 17853181107 杨亚琴 科员 17853181081 孙文东 民警 17853181087 15505315938 张林 民警 17853181099 13853188870 王林山 二中队队长 17853181098 13361008765 沈波 副中队长 17853181096 13361089536 侯德艺 主任科员 17853181090 王燕 主任科员 李建秀 主任科员 陆勇 民警 18253128988 李峰 民警 17853181085 刘铁光 民警 17853181110 15168851511 济南槐荫区振兴街派出所及电话 姜宏斌 所长 13361089506 邹小森 教导员 13864139588 谢磊 副所长 15505312285 安琪 副所长 15990996556 宁继勇 副所长 15953172222 李丽 主任科员 15165095772 解荣忠 主任科员 15168868006 孙向东 主任科员 13583161177 ... 更多 本案件联系资料(区号: 531)现将张庄派出所与槐荫区政府(离槐荫分局很近)的有关责任人的姓名和电话公布如下:(区号:0531)
槐荫区公安分局局长:韩磊 副局长:贺立坤、王建平、孙野青 槐荫区公安分局电话总机:85986000 办公室:85601644、85601654、85601646、85601649、85605110 槐荫区公安分局政保科:85990204 槐荫区公安分局刑事警察大队 大队长:熊庆杰 电话:85601804、85603048 刑事警察大队属七中队(张庄路307号):85979229 机场地区联防治保会(张庄路391号):85961407 槐荫区区长:李胜利 副区长:张曰良、杨华、刘光亮(负责张庄经济开发服务中心和槐荫区公安、司法工作)、刘福荣、展庆林、王诚 槐荫区区长公开电话:87968241 槐荫区张庄路办事处主任:张志坚 电话:87984383、87983608、87984344 张庄村委会:85973516 张庄派出所,0531--85554110,0531-85963761 所长 梁××(带领人抄家) 指导员 张长军 干警 张鑫(参与抓捕,审讯) 干警 许学伦 本案件有关文件2005-08-08: Honorable Congressman Gary L. Ackerman, 218-14 Northern Blvd., Bayside, NY 11361; August 8, 2005
Dear Congressman Ackerman: My name is Shuangying Zhang. I live in Flushing, Queens. I am asking for your help in rescuing my sister-in-law Liu, Ping, who is the mother of one little boy and has been kept in a detention center in China for almost a month only because she practice Falun Gong. Both my parents are Falun Gong practitioners and were sentenced three years in jails without trial on 2001. It is my belief that we have to stop the same tragedy from happening again. Since the Chinese government’s outlawing of Falun Gong in July 1999, six years has passed, and there have been over 2690 Falun Gong practitioners reportedly tortured to death. The Jiang Zemin regime has systematically attempted to eradicate the practice of Falun Gong by subjecting practitioners to forced labor, torture, and even murder. These gross injustices have been well documented by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Also, the U.S. Congress has taken a clear stand against the persecution with its unanimous passage of H.R. 188, which also addresses the on-going harassment of Falun Gong practitioners on US soil. ... 更多 |