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2006-03-29: 黄新,你在哪里? http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2006/3/29/123937.html http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2004/8/2/80804.html http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2004/8/2/80806.html http://www.falundafaradio.org/show_article.asp?id=7035 http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2004/7/21/79903.html http://huiyuan.minghui.org/html/articles/2004/7/3022.html http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2004/7/24/80204.html http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2004/6/28/78185.html http://epochtimes.com/b5/4/7/31/n613509.htm 非修炼人论坛:另一个世界的看法 文/读者推荐(加拿大) 我在狱中见到的三十四位法轮功弟子 http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2002/2/20/25352.html English Translation: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/2/25/19224.html 【圆明网】法轮功让我想起母亲,那个仅仅因为不肯放弃大法就被中共当局判了8年的善良老人。我对母亲有着深深的内疚,在国内时,明知法轮功治好了她多年的疾病,但受到国内政府铺天盖地舆论的误导,还是站到了母亲的对立。 可怜的母亲,那段时间我们全家对母亲的“固执”感到忍无可忍,当母亲想要向我倾诉她的心得时,我或逃避,或无理指责,只顾相信媒体,却从未耐心的去听听身边最亲的人的观点。善良的母亲,她始终耐心的,悄悄的指点着我,区分对与错,区分正与邪。在我心情好的时候,她会给我看一些关于佛教的书籍(知道我对法轮功的书排斥),而多数时候换来的是我蛮横的将那些我现在视为珍品的佛经摔在地上。 我在哭,我为当初对母亲的冷嘲热讽深深自责,为自己无知的言行而忏悔。 有幸来到加拿大,震惊于与国内宣传截然相反的景象,与西人接触时,更惊奇的发现越是上层社会的精英,越尽是虔诚的基督徒。闲暇时翻阅佛书,浏览于网上的广千世界(被国内封锁的网站),对生命、轮回、因果有了认识。回忆起临上机前母亲最后的话语:你会是得法的人,因为你是我的儿子。我的泪水再次渗透衣襟。 有时常静想,我们这一代国人处在一个道德的盲区,当××主义虚无缥缈时,政府所谓的,歪曲的爱国论,取代了我们对道德、对人性的追寻,这也正是与政府对外吹捧的“人权即生存权”的谬论异曲同工,而仅有的一点良知也被社会的唯金潮流和棍棒恐吓所吞噬,感叹我们这迷失的一代。 对于法轮功,我不必作评论,这里的一切资料已经把真相呈现,接受了佛法再去理解法轮功并不困难。对于中国政府,我不屑品评,它早已臭名在外。(我热爱自己的祖国,但我不接受这样的政府),对于在国内尚未冲破新闻封锁的朋友们,真心的希望我们能多一些良知来面对社会,多一些理性来分析对错,多一分耐心倾听异音,多一份勇气接受真相。 不知如何能解救我的母亲,希望有能力的朋友帮助, 真心结交法轮功朋友,愿为法轮功尽些薄力; 法轮功的书看了一些,但尚未得法,也许机缘未到; 祝法轮功洪传全世界。 (读者推荐,转自燕玲论坛) ******************************************** 尊敬的先生, 我是多伦多大法弟子曾晓南,我的母亲黄新,今年50岁。我真实的向您介绍母亲的受迫害经历,希望获得您的帮助。 我的母亲在1995年开始修炼法轮功,法轮功治好了她多年的顽疾,也使母亲对生活的态度更加乐观。 1999年,法轮功受到江泽民流氓集团的镇压,母亲在99年2次進京上访,均被当地警方拘留。 从2000年起,我们全家多次受到当地派出所骚扰,其中包括:强逼母亲在不修??炼??法??轮??功??保证上签字,交代所有同??修的姓名及联系方式,要求黄每周到派出所报到,以确保没有离开沈阳。分别向单位,派出所交纳近万元保证金(至今未曾返还)。随着母亲的拒绝转??化,迫??害开始升级,家中电话被窃听,多次被抄??家,我们在出门时经常被便??衣跟踪,派出所还秘密发动一些退休且不明真相的邻居监视我们一家人的日常行动。2001年起,母亲单位领导以她不肯转??化为由,停发了母亲的所有工资。自2001年到2003年,我家因骚扰被迫4次搬家,家人现仍躲在郊区一僻静之处。 2002年,母亲在给功??友传阅大??法??资料时被抓,在看守所里绝食数日被转押到大北监狱监管医院继续受迫??害,直到生命垂危,监狱怕担责任让家属领人。此时母亲体重不足60斤,身上多处受到电击酷刑后的淤血,气息奄奄,已失去知觉。待我母身体康复后,当地法院未经任何审理,非??法判??决劳教2年,后因亲友多方疏通,改为保外就医。 2003年9月,因为母亲不肯放弃修炼,受到進一步迫害。她去单位领被扣押了近两年的退休金时,领导受警方指使,向恶警报告,待我母亲领完退休金准备离开时被恶警们绑架。后沈阳市和平区法院在不通知家属和不给判决书、没有任何手续的情况下,非??法秘密判刑8年,关押在辽宁省女子监狱九大队六小队。大约在4个月前恶警已将她转往辽宁省女子监狱监管?医院。因母亲坚定修??炼,恶警在施用各种酷??刑没有效果后,强行给黄服用一种叫渌丙氰(音译)的神经抑制剂,她们对外宣称我母亲精神有病,需要服用这种神经药物,但却不肯给我母亲做任何的精神鉴定,这是严重违法的行为。目前我母亲被关押在监管医院传染病区的肝炎分区,每天强行被服用2片渌丙氰。因服用过量,造成她神智不清,严重时无法说话,且下肢行动非常困难。当父亲去探监时,发现母亲的思维及其缓慢,动作迟钝,说话只能一个字一个字叙述,母亲反复告诉我家人,当她对注射稍有反抗时,便会遭到电击,毒打,然后时全身长时间捆绑,直到没有任何力气反抗。而过量的药物已经使她丧失了部分记忆,很多事都要在家人的帮助下回忆起来。更令人气愤的是为了進一步对我母亲進行精神上的迫害,地区法院,派出所和相关单位多次强迫我父和我母亲离婚,受于各种压力。我父无奈在名誉上与母亲解除婚约。亲友为其多方奔走,疏通,希望对我母亲能有个公正的对待。但因6??1??0办公室是江泽民直接领导,可凌?驾于宪?法之上,市内相关部门都对此表示无能为力。目前我母亲由于药物,酷??刑的伤害和常年的迫?害,身体状况非常危险,急切的盼望各界正义人士伸出援助之手,帮助黄新早日脱离魔窟。 *************************************** Psychiatric abuse on my mother by The Surveillance Hospital of China?s Liaoning Female Prison By Michael Zeng, permanent resident of Canada 19 Hayward Cresent Toronto, Ontario Canada M1S 2T7 Tel: 416-298-3951 Email: michael_zeng1976@hotmail.com May 13, 2004 **************************** My mother, Ms. Xin Huang, is a fifty-year-old retired laboratory technologist. She has been given large doses of chlorpromazine twice a day even she has no psychiatric disorder. At the same time, she has been physically tortured in Liaoning Female Prison. Her life is in great danger. Please help rescuing her. My mother used to work for Shen Bei Hospital in Sheng Yang City, Liaoning Province. She had to retire early due to sickness (blood and digestive system disorders). In 1995, she started to practice Falun Gong. She restored her health shortly after she started the practice, and became a very positive person towards life and towards people around her. When the Chinese dictator, Jiang Zemin started the brutal persecution against Falun Gong in 1999, as you can imagine, my mother could not understand why the government had to ban such a great practice. She went to Beijing twice in 1999 to appeal for Falun Gong. Twice, she was arrested by Beijing police and transferred back to Sheng Yang, where she was detained for about 2 weeks at each time. She was released after the family agreed to pay fines. In 2002, she was detained in Sheng Yang for lending her Falun Gong books to friends. To protest against the illegal detention, she went on hunger strike for a few days. While in Dabei prison, she was brutally tortured and her health deteriorated so much that she was barely 60 pounds (she was about 120 pounds before being arrested). Fearing that she might die in detention, the prison authority asked my father to take her away. She was out of conscious when my father saw her. Her body was full of marks from torture. She eventually recovered at home after 1 month under the care of my father. When the authorities learnt that she recovered, they sentenced her for 2 years in labor camp. A relative bribed the authority and she was allowed on bail for medical treatment. As Jiang Zemin mounted more pressure for local authorities to intensify the persecution against Falun Gong, my mother was kidnapped by police in September 2003 and sentenced for 8 years in prison for not giving up the practice. She served her term in Group 6, Team 9, in Liaoning Female Prison for 4 months. Then she was transferred to the Surveillance Hospital in the prison, where she has been given psychiatric suppressive drugs, such as chlorpromazine. She was so over-drugged, that when my father went to see her, she could barely recognize him. She could not speak one complete sentence. She also had difficulty walking. When she was a little clearer in her mind, she conveyed the message that she had received brutal torture when she showed any resistance in taking the drug injection. She was badly beaten, shocked by electric batons, with all limbs tightly tied up for a long time. She said that she was forced to take injections twice a day. The drug mad her very sleepy, her tongue became too stiff to speak. She became very slow in reaction. She constantly feels that there are bugs crawling inside her head. My father was recently forced by authorities to divorce my mother. My mother is in great danger. Please help. Liaoning Female Prisoner?s Surveillance Hospital 38 Chong Shan Dong Lu, Sheng Yang, Liaoning, 110032 Tel: 024-89296733 Liaoning Female Prisoner 38 Chong Shan Dong Lu, Sheng Yang, Liaoning, 110032 Tel: 024-89296666 ************************* You may help by letting the authorities in Liaoning Female Prison, and its Surveillance Hospital know that Ms. Xin Huang is on the list of alleged psychiatric abuses in China. Simply having her on your list could save her life! On behalf of my father, my family and my mother, I sincerely thank you for your help. |