
四年来深受迫害,邹玉韵目前被劫持于广州洗脑班 2003年9月25日

广州黄埔法西斯洗脑班豢养教唆歹徒折磨凌辱大法弟子 2003年8月27日http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2003/8/27/56353.html
广州市天河区法制学校是一所法西斯集中营 2003年7月25日http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2003/7/25/54568.html
2003年5月12日大陆综合消息 2003年5月12日
2002年12月31日大陆综合消息 2002年12月31日http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2002/12/31/41966.html
2002年8月21日大陆综合消息 2002年8月21日
广州槎头妇教所无限期劫持大法弟子 2002年6月22日
2002年3月4日大陆综合消息 2002年3月4日
2002年2月25日大陆综合消息 2002年2月25日
2001年12月3日大陆综合消息 2001年12月3日
Ms. Zou Yuyun is a thirty-six year old Falun Dafa practitioner from Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. She went to Beijing twice in July and October of 1999 to appeal. Zou Yuyun was arrested, and her identification documents were confiscated. In early 2000, while walking to Beijing, she was arrested and sent to the Chatou Female Labor Camp in Guangzhou City, where she was detained for one year. Because she refused to denounce Falun Gong, her term was extended by ten months. At the end of November 2001, on the same day she was released, the Street Committee and Security Office took her to a brainwashing class using the excuse that she refused to give a written promise not to practice Falun Gong. In the days that followed, Zou Yuyun was detained in various brainwashing classes in the city, including the Huangpu District and Liwan District Brainwashing Class, the Dongshan District Brainwashing Class, the Baiyun District Brainwashing Class, the Guangzhou City Brainwashing Class, and the Tianhe District Brainwashing Class. During this period, she suffered from various inhumane tortures. These tortures include: cuffing, savage beatings, hanging, electric baton shock, rope tying, immersing head into water, burning with cigarette ends, pulling hair, deprivation of sleep for 20 days, wrapping with quilt in hot days…
Zou Yuyun remained firm in her belief despite all of the torture. On August 27, 2003, she finally walked out from the Tianhe District Brainwashing Class with a righteous mind. Only because she believed in "Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance," and because she clarified the facts of Falun Dafa to the government, she was deprived of her freedom for four years.
At 1:00 p.m. on September 22, 2003, just three weeks after Zou Yuyun was released from the brainwashing classes, she was arrested again and taken to the Guangzhou City "Legal System School" (it is in fact a brainwashing class) by the Tianhe District Police and Street Committee. She was accused of so called “illegal gathering”. Her sister came to visit but the police refused to allow it.
The most recent news about her came on September 24. The news stated that she has been on a hunger strike to protest the detention since the 22nd when was taken away. Being extremely weak, she was recently sent to the clinic. We hope fellow practitioners and their families can work together and rescue Zou Yuyun.

The following are phone numbers of people who are responsible for torturing Zou Yuyun:
The Tianhe Nan Street Security Office: 86-20-85513598
The Tianhe Nan Street Party Committee Office: 86-20-87534003
Residential branch: 86-20-87579495
Multi-management office: 86-20-87534847, Yin participated in the kidnapping
Judiciary Bureau Office: 86-20-87534040
Liuyunsan Street Committee: 86-20-85517249, Director Liu (female) participated in the kidnapping
Tianhe District Public Security Bureau: 86-20-87502743
"610 Offices:" 86-20-82321185
Bureau Chief: Peng Yilin, 86-20-87502777, 86-20-85513381 (home); Fu Fushan: 86-20-87502766, 86-20-85517229 (home)
Political and Security Office: 86-20-87502753
Guangzhou Legal System School (brainwashing class)
Office telephone: 86-20-81730646
Principal: Pan Jinhua
Assistant Principal: He Yunyu
Political committee secretary: Li Xuezhen (female) 86-20-83485250 (home), 86-13922159049 (cell)
Warden Chief: Lai Jianfeng, 86-20-81730648
Zhai (warden): 86-20-81730767
Clinic: 86-20-81730817