美博士弟失踪1年 上海公安:很清楚不能说--在美国亲属谴责公安黑社会式的绑架

Help Find My Brother Xiong Huang
Wanqing Huang, Centennial Park, November 28, 2003

My brother, Xiong Huang, has been missing for seven months.  I suspect he has been abducted by the Shanghai Public Security Bureau, and I fear for his life.

Xiong is 25 years old and has a college degree. He used to live in Wan An County, a small mountainous country in Jiangxi Province.  When the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, my brother immediately went to the government’s Appeal Office in Beijing, to tell them the government had made a mistake in persecuting Falun Gong, and how wonderful Falun Gong is.  He also spoke with others in Beijing and in his hometown about Falun Gong, and mailed materials about Falun Gong.  Because of all this, on February, 2000 he was arrested, and sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp.  The first item on his arrest warrant was that he had gone to the State Appeals Office on July 21, 1999.  Making such an Appeal is a right guaranteed in China’s Constitution! Yet, now it was cause for his arrest. Even the e-mails he had sent me were said to be grounds for arrest.

After one and one-half years in the forced labor camp, Xiong was allowed to go home “on bail.”  However, his freedom of movement was restricted, and he was required to accept the brainwashing of the local police.  This was unacceptable to him, and he fled home. He began a two-year journey wandering China.  He went many places, and met many people, always distributing fliers and VCD disks, telling people how wrong the persecution is and how good Falun Gong is.  But he was constantly chased by the police, and could never rest.  He always had to be on the move.

The last time he and I made contact was in April of 2003, and since then I have not heard a thing from him, and none of his relatives or friends know what has become of him.  The police department in my hometown also has no information about him. He seems simply to have vanished into thin air.

If you knew my brother, I know you would like him and admire him.  His actions since 1999 have been so courageous, so just, and so compassionate.  He has always had a kind heart for others. When he was little, he once went to shop for groceries with grandma and he felt grandma bargained too much.  On their way back home, he insisted on grandma returning some of the money to the peasant who sold them the vegetables.  He felt compassion for the peasant and felt that he should not have been taken advantage of.  Yet there is no place for him, such a good person who simply tells the truth and upholds his belief, in the land of China.

I would like to appeal to all kind-hearted people. Help me find my brother. And help end this persecution in which tens of millions of practitioners like my brother suffer daily. Thank You!